Thursday, 1 December 2011

Feckless parents would only spend extra benefits on themselves, says Iain Duncan Smith - Telegraph

Feckless parents would only spend extra benefits on themselves, says Iain Duncan Smith - Telegraph:

Feckless parents would only spend extra benefits on themselves, says Iain Duncan Smith

Giving more money to poor families will not help the issue of child poverty because feckless parents will spend it on themselves, Iain Duncan Smith warned on Thursday night.

Feckless parents would only spend extra benefits on themselves, says Iain Duncan Smith
The Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith Photo: PA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a greasy cock sucker IDS is, when the fuck are we going to see some ordinary people in the government to represent the man on the street instead of these public school boy types who regardless of what they preach in public have always got their own agenda?? fucking dummies