Sunday, 18 July 2010

EU secretly pushing to put kids in jail for sharing music: ACTA leak

EU secretly pushing to put kids in jail for sharing music: ACTA leak: "More leaks from behind the scenes at the secretive Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement negotiations: the EU is pushing for criminal sanctions for non-commercial copyright infringement. That means putting kids in jail for trading music with one another.

'The ACTA agreement, by its opacity and undemocratic nature, allows criminal sanctions to be simply negotiated. The leaked document shows that the EU Member States are willing to impose prison sanctions for non-commercial usages of copyrighted works on the Internet as well as for 'inciting and aiding', a notion so broad that it could cover any Internet service or speech questioning copyright policies. EU citizens should interrogate their governments about their support to policies that obviously attack freedom of speech, privacy and innovation. Around the next round of negotiations and beyond, ACTA should be restlessly combatted and opposed worldwide.' concludes Jérémie Zimmermann, spokesperson for citizen advocacy group La Quadrature du Net.

Leak: EU pushes for criminalizing non-commercial usages in ACTA

(Thanks, Adam!)


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