The altered image BP released of its crisis command center, outed as a Photoshop job by bloggers (and apparently shot back in 2001).
AOL News (and many other outlets) report that BP's PR woes got even weirder today...
...when AMERICAblog's John Aravosis pointed to a poorly Photoshopped photo of the company's crisis command center in Houston which was published on BP's official crisis response website. The company has now come clean (sort of) to The Washington Post -- claiming this morning that it was the photographer who snapped the image who was responsible for inserting three extra video screens into a bank of monitors. It still remains unclear, though, precisely why the alterations were even made in the first place.
At the top of this blog post, the altered image (note that there's something going on in each and every one of those monitors).
Below, the image later released as 'unaltered' by BP (note that some monitors are dormant).
And next, beneath that, the image I am confident is the REAL THING YOU GUYS.
BP released this image as 'unretouched,' but I'm skeptical.
Finally! This one's authentic, for sure.
(thanks, wawb)
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